Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Love - Questions and Discussion topics

I'd like all of you to get out your Bibles and read the King James version of the Responsive Reading and Golden Text.  What differences do you see?

I'm not going to reference specific markers this week - I just want to get you thinking of specific ideas that were in the lesson.

Here are some of the questions I had for myself and some of the ideas I thought of.  Please bring your comments and questions to class this Sunday.

Do I really love unconditionally?  Or do I only love certain people?

Do I really know God?

I thought passions brought about happiness, yet Mrs. Eddy says they crush out happiness?  Am I a slave of wrong desires?

Do you first have to be a really bad sinner and do bad things in order to be forgiven and brought into God's love?

Regarding the story of the meal at Simons house with the Pharisees.  The Pharisees were a sect among the jews who believed in the strict adherence to Jewish law.  They considered themselves more righteous than other Jews.  The Jews are waiting and watching for the Messiah - and this guy Jesus claims he's the guy - so they are giving him particular scrutiny. So here they are at dinner and they see that Jesus lets this sinning woman touch him, clean his feet with the ointment and they are wondering why would he let her touch him - She's a sinner and therefore unclean and there should be no contact.  This guy can't be the Messiah - So what did the Pharisees miss?  Were they so busy judging Jesus that they couldn't even see the Christ?

Have you ever judged other people without seeing who they really are?

Look at Science & Health Marker 20

This explanation of how to view (or see) others heals the sick.  What are you seeing in your friends, your parents, your coaches, your classmates?  Are you seeing their faults and limitations and how they frustrate and annoy you? or are you seeing them the way God sees them?

I think your healing practice will benefit by paying attention to this verse.  "...and this correct view of man healed the sick."  If CS heals (and it does) we all must start by having the correct view of man.

Have a great week - and please bring your questions, comments or AHA's.

See you on Sunday,

Mama J

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome Back

Hi Everyone -

I have missed all of you over the past 4 Sundays!  I am looking forward to seeing you all this week.

I love the Golden Text and Responsive Reading and I think we can have a meaningful discussion if each of you think about the Subject of the lesson and then really study and come up with ways that you can put into practice what is suggested in the GT and RR.

That is all I ask this week.

See you on Sunday,

Mama J