Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Soul - February 9-15

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick note to say "Hi" and to get you thinking about discussion topics for Sunday School this week.

Lets continue with the question "How does a teenager in 2009 live a Christian  Science life?"

From this weeks' lesson a few ideas to ponder:

Translations of the Golden Text:

From the New Living Translation "...may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful."

From Gods Word Translation "...let the kindness of the Lord our God be with us.  Make us successful in everything we do."

From Marker 10 in Science & Health:

What does it mean to be governed?  Then... can you be governed by soul? ---  Do you want harmony in your life?

Here are some translations of Bible Marker #9

from the NIV:  "In the paths of the wicked are snares and pitfalls, but those who would preserve their life stay far from them."

What are the pitfalls in your life?  How can we avoid them?

Science & Health Marker 14:

Do you want to know who you honestly are?

What do you need to do?  (answer is in the passage) - Why don't you all do some examining this week and lets see where that leads you.

Now look at marker #25 - Think about the teenager question from above.  The belief about teenagers is that they are always changing - They change their friends, their clothes, their styles, their hair, their boyfriends - Do you see anything in this verse that may help you to feel steady and calm in a "changing" environment?

Have a great week.

Mama J