Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 10-16 * Mortals & Immortals

Hi everyone,

Sorry I missed sending out the Questions last week - it was just super busy for me and clearly I did not heed my own rice and ping pong ball theory!!

I know that you all are in the middle of your finals, so lets try and think through the lesson using the questions as an opportunity to explore how understanding the answers can help you take those tests!

Golden Text & Responsive Reading
What does it mean to be "earthy"?  Is there anything wrong with being "earthy"?

Are you corruptible or incorruptible?

If you are stedfast and unmoveable - how can you be "abounding" in God's work? - Or how is it possible to abound in God's work without being stedfast & unmoveable?  Try and see how these two seemingly opposite ideas are actually needed for doing God's work.

Section I
B4 -  What is the spirit of adoption?

Section II
B5 - What can you do to "be in Christ"?  What is your reward for doing it?

B6 - Ask yourself which way you are sowing - to flesh? or to spirit?

B7 - What does the story of the adulterous woman tell you about "human" nature?  And what does it show about the presence of The Christ?
Why does it matter to you?
Do you look at situations from a "human" perspective or through the lense of Christ?  Do you know how to look at things the way Christ Jesus did?  Let's try and do that this week.

S9 - What is a counterfeit?

Section III
B8 - What kind of thought did the nobleman have to be able to accept so calmly Jesus' healing message for his dying son?  Are you that receptive when offered the Truth from practitioners, parents, friends?  Why or why not?

S14 - This is a great Truth to stick with when working out a problem.  Are you really insisting mentally that harmony is the fact?

Section IV
B10 - As a Christian Scientist what does it really mean to be "born again"?  Bring your thoughts on this to class.

S19 - Do you need to be "born again" if you are completely clear about the first statement here?  "Immortal man is not and never was material, but always spiritual and eternal."

Section V
B12 - Do you have any idea about the significance of the transfiguration?  What really happened here?  How were Peter and James and John able to see Moses and Elias?  Did it change them in anyway?

B14 - What do you think it means to see "face to face"?

S24 - "entirely separate" is the Life divine - if it is separate - where is it? Are you living in the dream of matter of in the Life Divine?

S25 - Here is a "when" statement.  These always mean you have some work to do - what is the work you need to do according to this statement?

S26 - Do you want to be able to reason correctly? (could help on tests) Here is how to do it - Keep one fact before your thought - SPIRITUAL EXISTENCE!!!!

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday. Have a great week.

Mrs. J

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