Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 27-November 2 - Everlasting Punishment

Hi everyone - I actually think a better title for this week's lesson is "Everlasting Purity".  Did you notice that in each healing account in the lesson there is the desire on the part of the one needing healing to be "made clean" - washing, anointing with oil, getting into the pool at Bethesda.  Purity!  Think of Purity and what it means for you as you read the lesson this week.

Let's continue this week by each of you printing out this letter and bringing a question - either from my list or bring one of your own.  The more you participate by being prepared, the more you will get out of Sunday School.

Golden Text & Responsive Reading

Do you know what it means to be redeemed?  Have you ever been redeemed? Delivered? Saved?  Tell us about it.

B1 - Look at the "If, Then" statement and think about this in terms of your own life.  What is the "rain" in your life? (remembering that rain brings nourishment to crops)  What in your experience will yield its increase?  If you allow rain to nourish the ideas of joy, strength, freedom, dominion and others - they will dominate your experience.  Be proactive.

Now look at the "if, then" and see what happens if you don't listen and obey God.  It seems an easy choice to make.  Are you making the right choice?

S3 - How will you know when you are really sorry for wrong doing?

S6 - What are the activities that you need to replace hate, lust, revenge & deceit with?  Let's apply this line of thinking to our daily lives.

B5 - Recognize what it means for you to have God correcting you - What does it mean?

B7 - What was the quality of thought that Naaman had to exhibit for his healing to take place?  Is your life an example of the use of this quality?

S9 - When do you begin to learn about Life in Divine Science? (Christian Science)

B10 - How important is it to "Love your enemies"  What does this actually mean in your daily thoughts and actions?

S14 - What qualities do you need to build a strong defence against evil thoughts, lusts and malicious purposes?

B13 - Do you think this story gives you permission to be a BIG Sinner?  What quality of thought did this woman need to have her healing?

B14 - What was the quality of thought the impotent man needed for his healing?

S22 - How do you destroy a fear of sickness?  Let's not forget the first thing that needs to be done for healing is to remove fear.

S23 - This marker has some really juicy ideas for healing.  do you recognize what you can know, do, & be to have regular and effective healings of your own?

S25 - Can you bring 1/2 the faith you have in matter to the study and demonstration of Christian Science?  If so - what is the glorious result?  WOW!  Let's do it.

I'll see you all next Sunday.  Have a great Week.

Mama J

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Probation After Death * October 20-26, 2008

Dear Class,

First of all, I want to thank each of you for doing your part to help the Sunday School this past week.  It was really fun to see all of you participating in the service.  I think Ron set a new standard for music and I hope his example will allow more students to come forward and accompany the pianist.

So this week.  Please print out this e-mail and bring it with you on Sunday.  I have reduced the questions/comments to just 15 - and I want each of you to pick just one that you are going to be ready to talk about.  So that means read the citation and come ready to discuss it.  Some of you may pick the same citation - and that's o.k. - but hopefully we'll have a couple of different ones to discuss.

Here's the big question that I want you all to think about as you study the lesson.  And not just think about - but try and figure it out.

What did Jesus teach us about Life & Death?

Golden Text - Here is a simple way of telling us what to do:  "Prove all things"  - this comment relates to our theme of "..we have not the power to demonstrate what we do not understand."  --

Responsive Reading:  - There are at least 12 "to do" items in the RR - How many can you find?  I'll start you out with one fill in the rest - and then think about how you can do some of these things each day:

1) comfort hearts

Section II -
B5&6 - What event or circumstances in your life would lead you to completely surrender to God?

B9 - Beatitudes - what are the meaning of these?

S7&8 - What is heaven?  What is hell?

S9 - What needs to "reign within us" so that sin, disease and death disappear?

Section III
Bible Story - Well - would you rather be the poor, unselfish servant in this world - or the rich man in this world?  Why?

S10 - Has anyone ever done something to you that was mean or wrong?  Is it up to you to take revenge? Why or why not?

S11 - Tell me about your experiences with purity and affection.

S12 - Sum this statement up in plain english.

Section IV
S15 How did Jesus teach us to work out our own salvation?

B16 - Who was the first to see Jesus after he rose from the dead?   Why do you think this person was able to see him?

What did Jesus ask the 11 disciples to do?  Which book in the Bible tells the story of what they did?

S20 - What are the only proofs that are demanded of Christians to fulfill?

S21 - What creates a new Life for you or anyone?

Section VI 
S27 What kinds of things will you have to deal with in the "straight & narrow way"?

S30 What is the thing a person must do to show they really want to drop all the old mortal ideas?

I look forward to having some lively discussion this Sunday.  See you then.

Mrs. J

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 13-19 - Doctrine of Atonement


For those of you who were at Sunday School this past week you know that we have some responsibilities this coming Sunday - for those of you who missed, let me give you the information.  Our Class is responsible for several things this coming Sunday, so I need the day students to get to church early.

Our class chose the hymns for this Sunday and we will start with Hymn 162 and end with Hymn 263.  Ron will accompany the pianist with his sax! (awesome)

Summer will be the presenter.  Nate and Dorian will be ushers - helping visitors and welcoming the students.  Leif and Nanna will hand out the attendance folders prior to Sunday School.  Austin & Becca will put the hymn numbers on the display boards.

Please let me know if you will NOT be here this coming Sunday so we can make switches with the other classmates.

Now to the lesson and some discovery.  This week I'm going to help you out by giving you the definitions for the words that I've called out.  I hope this will help you as you study the lesson for the rest of the week.

Atonement: - (Dictionary definition) - the expiation (making reparation) of sin made by the obedience and personal suffering of Christ.

advocate: To defend an argument before the public, to support or vindicate

reconcile: to call back into union

propitiate: to conciliate: to appease one offended and render him favorable

conciliate: to draw or bring together, unite

derived: to draw or receive, as from a source or origin

efficacious: producing the effect intended.  Having the power adequate to the purpose intended

mediator: One that interposes between parties who disagree for the purpose of reconciling them.

salvation: The act of saving; preservation from destruction, danger, or great calamity

requisite: That which is necessary, something indispensable

piety: Reverence of the Supreme Being and Love of his character.  In practice: - the exercise of these affections in obedience to his will and devotion to his service.

pentecost: A solemn festival of the Jews.  Celebrated on the 50th day after the feast of the passover recognizing and giving thanks to God for the law (commandments) which had been given to them at Sinai on the 50th day from their departure from Egypt.


There is only one citation from the Old Testament - WHY?  What is the meaning of the verse?

What are the tenets of Christian Science and where can you find them?

Look for "action" words (verbs) in citations - these words are a call for you to actually DO something.  Paying attention to these words helps you in your study of Christian Science, it actually gives you some things you can do realistically.

Golden Text:  What is the action word?  How can you abide in the doctrine of Christ?

RR - verses 3, 5, 6, 17 & 24 all have action words - they give you a job to do - what is your job/responsibility according to John? (hint the first one is keep commandments)

B1 - The people in the synagogue at Capernaum were "astonished" at Jesus' Doctrine - what is the doctrine?  (see S3, 4 & 5)

S3 - What is the definition of atonement?  How does it differ from the dictionary definition?

B3 - This is the only verse from the OT in the lesson - why do you think it is here at all?

B5 - Jesus continues to talk of his doctrine - what is the doctrine?

B6 - Explain what Jesus meant when he said "I and my Father are one"

S7 - Well, this is a huge paragraph with lots of words I needed to look up - so in the end what do you think Mrs. Eddy is trying to tell us?

S10 - What does it mean when Jesus said "no man cometh unto the Father, but by me?"

B8 - Does Jesus ask us to hang out with healthy, sinless people or sick and sinful people?  Are you following his example?  What is your job when you hang out with the kind of people Jesus expected you to be around?

S11 - What does sin do - according to this marker?  What must mortals do to find Christ?  What are some ways you can do this?

S13 - Read and understand your role in atonement.  You do have a responsibility - make sure you know what it is and how you can best respond.

S14 - Is Truth overcoming error in your life and in every conversation you have?  Are you alert to doing this?  Think how easy it is to share a rumor, spread a lie, talk about others behind their back.  Is that behavior part of the atonement?  Which activity would be more fulfilling?

B12 - This story is from the book of Acts - was Jesus still around when these stories were being written? What do you know about Peter, who is described in this story?

Sec. IV - Why was the crucifixion effective in teaching mankind about eternal life?

S 17 - What is the scientific explanation of atonement?  What destroys suffering?

B14 - What did John expect the followers of Jesus to do in demonstrating love?  Are you doing this?  What are "his" commandments?

S22 - When Mrs. Eddy uses words "what we most need" we should all take notice.  Are you working on this "to do list"?  What is your proper debt to Jesus?  What does unceasing prayer do for you?  What is unceasing prayer?

S23 - Know this verse and understand it.  it is fundamental to Christian Healing.

S25 - How can we bring out in our lives the unity which exists between  God and man?  This is our job as Christian Scientists - is it a job you want?  Is it a job you are already doing?  Can you do this job any better?  Let's talk about how.

Well, it's a lot to think about with a lesson that is only 5 sections long - but it's great stuff.  I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

Mrs. Jenkins

Monday, October 6, 2008

October 6-12, 2008 * Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a good class this past Sunday.  I'd love to hear what you learned and if there are some things we need to continue to follow up on.

We do have an important task this coming Sunday.  We are in charge of picking the Hymns for Sunday October 19th.  The Lesson for that week is "Doctrine of Atonement" so please bring your ideas for hymns.

Also - one other note.  This coming Sunday (October 12th) is a Sunday School Open House for the 8-12th grade classes.  Please let your parents know that they are welcome to come in and  introduce themselves to me and see our little spot in the Sunday School.  I look forward to seeing any or all of your parents.

So let's get started on this week's Lesson.  As you read the lesson - keep in mind the subject of the lesson, which comes in the form of a question.  Each marker and each section read thoroughly, and with some understanding should help you to answer that question.  Let's try and answer it as a class this next Sunday.

B2 - What assurance does this Psalm give to you?

B5 - Isaiah makes a great promise here.  Have you ever felt that everyone was against you?  Look at this promise, what does it mean for you?

S1 - What is the only reality of sin, sickness and death?

S3 - Are you using your "fan" wisely?  Has anyone ever told a lie about you to others?  Do you begin to believe the lie?  How can you separate the fact from the truth?  (see S4 to assist you).

S6 - How astounded are you at evils claims?  Are you more interested in the gossip and chatter of matter?  Should you be shocked at the Truth?

B6 - Do you know what "Immanuel" means?

B8 - In this story, notice who gathered around Jesus to hear the parables.  Are you able to see and help others who are suffering to see themselves through God's eyes?
B8, cont. - What do you think is the most important part of the story of the prodigal son?  Do you think the father should have thrown a party for the son who "wasted his substance with riotous living."?  Are there people you know who have done really stupid things and you've given up on being friends with them?  Have you ever done something stupid and felt like you should never be forgiven - or that you are no longer a "good Christian Scientist"?  Let's talk about this.

S8 - According to this marker - who is it that can fully understand that evil is not real?

What is the basis of all health, sinlessness and immortality?

S10 - What is the basis of all demonstration?

B12 - Have any of you ever had a "hem-touching" moment?  - I'd love to hear them.

S12 - Is God the author of sin, sickness and death?

S15 - Think about a legal trial when an innocent person is charged of a crime - what would you need to prove your innocence?  (hint the word begins with a T)

S17 - Here is a HEALING IDEA - What can you do with this thought?

B14 - After reading this story ask yourself this question; Do you believe that Christian Science can overcome death?  How important is it to know that man IS not SHALL BE perfect? Do you know this about yourself?

B24 - Revelation - Is this a physical new city?

S26 - Definition of New Jerusalem is what?  Is it a place?

S28 - Can you spend time each day realizing that you live, move and have our being in God?  Why don't we try it and see what happens.

Have a great week and I'll see you on Sunday.

Mrs. J