Monday, October 6, 2008

October 6-12, 2008 * Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a good class this past Sunday.  I'd love to hear what you learned and if there are some things we need to continue to follow up on.

We do have an important task this coming Sunday.  We are in charge of picking the Hymns for Sunday October 19th.  The Lesson for that week is "Doctrine of Atonement" so please bring your ideas for hymns.

Also - one other note.  This coming Sunday (October 12th) is a Sunday School Open House for the 8-12th grade classes.  Please let your parents know that they are welcome to come in and  introduce themselves to me and see our little spot in the Sunday School.  I look forward to seeing any or all of your parents.

So let's get started on this week's Lesson.  As you read the lesson - keep in mind the subject of the lesson, which comes in the form of a question.  Each marker and each section read thoroughly, and with some understanding should help you to answer that question.  Let's try and answer it as a class this next Sunday.

B2 - What assurance does this Psalm give to you?

B5 - Isaiah makes a great promise here.  Have you ever felt that everyone was against you?  Look at this promise, what does it mean for you?

S1 - What is the only reality of sin, sickness and death?

S3 - Are you using your "fan" wisely?  Has anyone ever told a lie about you to others?  Do you begin to believe the lie?  How can you separate the fact from the truth?  (see S4 to assist you).

S6 - How astounded are you at evils claims?  Are you more interested in the gossip and chatter of matter?  Should you be shocked at the Truth?

B6 - Do you know what "Immanuel" means?

B8 - In this story, notice who gathered around Jesus to hear the parables.  Are you able to see and help others who are suffering to see themselves through God's eyes?
B8, cont. - What do you think is the most important part of the story of the prodigal son?  Do you think the father should have thrown a party for the son who "wasted his substance with riotous living."?  Are there people you know who have done really stupid things and you've given up on being friends with them?  Have you ever done something stupid and felt like you should never be forgiven - or that you are no longer a "good Christian Scientist"?  Let's talk about this.

S8 - According to this marker - who is it that can fully understand that evil is not real?

What is the basis of all health, sinlessness and immortality?

S10 - What is the basis of all demonstration?

B12 - Have any of you ever had a "hem-touching" moment?  - I'd love to hear them.

S12 - Is God the author of sin, sickness and death?

S15 - Think about a legal trial when an innocent person is charged of a crime - what would you need to prove your innocence?  (hint the word begins with a T)

S17 - Here is a HEALING IDEA - What can you do with this thought?

B14 - After reading this story ask yourself this question; Do you believe that Christian Science can overcome death?  How important is it to know that man IS not SHALL BE perfect? Do you know this about yourself?

B24 - Revelation - Is this a physical new city?

S26 - Definition of New Jerusalem is what?  Is it a place?

S28 - Can you spend time each day realizing that you live, move and have our being in God?  Why don't we try it and see what happens.

Have a great week and I'll see you on Sunday.

Mrs. J

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