Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Probation After Death * October 20-26, 2008

Dear Class,

First of all, I want to thank each of you for doing your part to help the Sunday School this past week.  It was really fun to see all of you participating in the service.  I think Ron set a new standard for music and I hope his example will allow more students to come forward and accompany the pianist.

So this week.  Please print out this e-mail and bring it with you on Sunday.  I have reduced the questions/comments to just 15 - and I want each of you to pick just one that you are going to be ready to talk about.  So that means read the citation and come ready to discuss it.  Some of you may pick the same citation - and that's o.k. - but hopefully we'll have a couple of different ones to discuss.

Here's the big question that I want you all to think about as you study the lesson.  And not just think about - but try and figure it out.

What did Jesus teach us about Life & Death?

Golden Text - Here is a simple way of telling us what to do:  "Prove all things"  - this comment relates to our theme of "..we have not the power to demonstrate what we do not understand."  --

Responsive Reading:  - There are at least 12 "to do" items in the RR - How many can you find?  I'll start you out with one fill in the rest - and then think about how you can do some of these things each day:

1) comfort hearts

Section II -
B5&6 - What event or circumstances in your life would lead you to completely surrender to God?

B9 - Beatitudes - what are the meaning of these?

S7&8 - What is heaven?  What is hell?

S9 - What needs to "reign within us" so that sin, disease and death disappear?

Section III
Bible Story - Well - would you rather be the poor, unselfish servant in this world - or the rich man in this world?  Why?

S10 - Has anyone ever done something to you that was mean or wrong?  Is it up to you to take revenge? Why or why not?

S11 - Tell me about your experiences with purity and affection.

S12 - Sum this statement up in plain english.

Section IV
S15 How did Jesus teach us to work out our own salvation?

B16 - Who was the first to see Jesus after he rose from the dead?   Why do you think this person was able to see him?

What did Jesus ask the 11 disciples to do?  Which book in the Bible tells the story of what they did?

S20 - What are the only proofs that are demanded of Christians to fulfill?

S21 - What creates a new Life for you or anyone?

Section VI 
S27 What kinds of things will you have to deal with in the "straight & narrow way"?

S30 What is the thing a person must do to show they really want to drop all the old mortal ideas?

I look forward to having some lively discussion this Sunday.  See you then.

Mrs. J

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