Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunday School Reminders

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to remind all of you that we will be going to Five Guys for lunch after Church on Sunday.  I will drive the boarders and Summer and Nicole can drive day students as well as my kids.  I think that should get everyone there alright.  If day students need to be picked up after lunch, just let your parents know - or we can figure out how to get you back home.  This is my treat!

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

So before we head out for some awesome burgers - lets have a "meaty" discussion in SS.  Bring your questions, concerns, comments, healings - whatever.

Have a great rest of the week and we'll see you on Sunday.

For the boarders - Do you have to let the dorm know that I'm taking you out for lunch?

Mama J

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Subject: Man - For Sunday March 8th

Hi everyone -

A couple of things to ponder this week before we meet on Sunday.

Obviously the subject of the lesson is Man - so bring your definition of Man to class.  My suggestion - write down your definition (what you think it is) first and then check a couple of sources (dictionary, Science & Health Glossary, The lesson)

Looking at the lesson:

S&H Marker 4:  Who is the "old man" - how do we throw him off?  What happens when we do this?  Does it matter to you?

Bible Marker 5:  I love this - Tell me what you think it means to "Honour all men".  Then look at S&H Marker 5:  Do you know what it means to you and everyone that Love is impartial and universal?  How can it help you to know and understand this.

S&H Marker 7:  It's a "when" - "then" statement - tell me what you have to do and what you get if you do it.

Bible Marker 15 - I found a great translation to this one from the New Living Translation "Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do, whether we are slaves are free."

How much good do you do?  Can you do more?  Try and do some good this week and see what happens.

S&H Marker 12 - You asked me if Christian Science is relevant to todays teenagers.  I think there is something very relevant in this passage.  What do you think it is?  Is it relevant?  What is the impact on you if you do what it says in this passage?

S&H Marker 17:  Do you want to be at the mercy of matter for everything?  hmmm - lets think about that and talk about it on Sunday.

S&H 19 - What are you a slave to?  self imposed limitations, your family, your friends, your stuff?  What happens when you assert your freedom in the name of God?  Wanna give it a try?

That's all I've got.  So pick a couple from my list of questions - or bring some of your own.  See ya on Sunday.

Mama J

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Soul - February 9-15

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick note to say "Hi" and to get you thinking about discussion topics for Sunday School this week.

Lets continue with the question "How does a teenager in 2009 live a Christian  Science life?"

From this weeks' lesson a few ideas to ponder:

Translations of the Golden Text:

From the New Living Translation "...may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful."

From Gods Word Translation "...let the kindness of the Lord our God be with us.  Make us successful in everything we do."

From Marker 10 in Science & Health:

What does it mean to be governed?  Then... can you be governed by soul? ---  Do you want harmony in your life?

Here are some translations of Bible Marker #9

from the NIV:  "In the paths of the wicked are snares and pitfalls, but those who would preserve their life stay far from them."

What are the pitfalls in your life?  How can we avoid them?

Science & Health Marker 14:

Do you want to know who you honestly are?

What do you need to do?  (answer is in the passage) - Why don't you all do some examining this week and lets see where that leads you.

Now look at marker #25 - Think about the teenager question from above.  The belief about teenagers is that they are always changing - They change their friends, their clothes, their styles, their hair, their boyfriends - Do you see anything in this verse that may help you to feel steady and calm in a "changing" environment?

Have a great week.

Mama J

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Love - Questions and Discussion topics

I'd like all of you to get out your Bibles and read the King James version of the Responsive Reading and Golden Text.  What differences do you see?

I'm not going to reference specific markers this week - I just want to get you thinking of specific ideas that were in the lesson.

Here are some of the questions I had for myself and some of the ideas I thought of.  Please bring your comments and questions to class this Sunday.

Do I really love unconditionally?  Or do I only love certain people?

Do I really know God?

I thought passions brought about happiness, yet Mrs. Eddy says they crush out happiness?  Am I a slave of wrong desires?

Do you first have to be a really bad sinner and do bad things in order to be forgiven and brought into God's love?

Regarding the story of the meal at Simons house with the Pharisees.  The Pharisees were a sect among the jews who believed in the strict adherence to Jewish law.  They considered themselves more righteous than other Jews.  The Jews are waiting and watching for the Messiah - and this guy Jesus claims he's the guy - so they are giving him particular scrutiny. So here they are at dinner and they see that Jesus lets this sinning woman touch him, clean his feet with the ointment and they are wondering why would he let her touch him - She's a sinner and therefore unclean and there should be no contact.  This guy can't be the Messiah - So what did the Pharisees miss?  Were they so busy judging Jesus that they couldn't even see the Christ?

Have you ever judged other people without seeing who they really are?

Look at Science & Health Marker 20

This explanation of how to view (or see) others heals the sick.  What are you seeing in your friends, your parents, your coaches, your classmates?  Are you seeing their faults and limitations and how they frustrate and annoy you? or are you seeing them the way God sees them?

I think your healing practice will benefit by paying attention to this verse.  "...and this correct view of man healed the sick."  If CS heals (and it does) we all must start by having the correct view of man.

Have a great week - and please bring your questions, comments or AHA's.

See you on Sunday,

Mama J

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome Back

Hi Everyone -

I have missed all of you over the past 4 Sundays!  I am looking forward to seeing you all this week.

I love the Golden Text and Responsive Reading and I think we can have a meaningful discussion if each of you think about the Subject of the lesson and then really study and come up with ways that you can put into practice what is suggested in the GT and RR.

That is all I ask this week.

See you on Sunday,

Mama J