Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Subject: Man - For Sunday March 8th

Hi everyone -

A couple of things to ponder this week before we meet on Sunday.

Obviously the subject of the lesson is Man - so bring your definition of Man to class.  My suggestion - write down your definition (what you think it is) first and then check a couple of sources (dictionary, Science & Health Glossary, The lesson)

Looking at the lesson:

S&H Marker 4:  Who is the "old man" - how do we throw him off?  What happens when we do this?  Does it matter to you?

Bible Marker 5:  I love this - Tell me what you think it means to "Honour all men".  Then look at S&H Marker 5:  Do you know what it means to you and everyone that Love is impartial and universal?  How can it help you to know and understand this.

S&H Marker 7:  It's a "when" - "then" statement - tell me what you have to do and what you get if you do it.

Bible Marker 15 - I found a great translation to this one from the New Living Translation "Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do, whether we are slaves are free."

How much good do you do?  Can you do more?  Try and do some good this week and see what happens.

S&H Marker 12 - You asked me if Christian Science is relevant to todays teenagers.  I think there is something very relevant in this passage.  What do you think it is?  Is it relevant?  What is the impact on you if you do what it says in this passage?

S&H Marker 17:  Do you want to be at the mercy of matter for everything?  hmmm - lets think about that and talk about it on Sunday.

S&H 19 - What are you a slave to?  self imposed limitations, your family, your friends, your stuff?  What happens when you assert your freedom in the name of God?  Wanna give it a try?

That's all I've got.  So pick a couple from my list of questions - or bring some of your own.  See ya on Sunday.

Mama J

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