Monday, September 29, 2008

UNREALITY - October 5, 2008

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all AWAKE and have the LIGHT on as you read your lesson this week.  If you keep DREAMING, you will stay in the DARK as to your true nature.

So I just gave you a few clues as to what to look for as you read this week's lesson.

The vocab words are at the end.  Let's make sure you are looking those up.

Have a great week - and remember I will be gone this next Sunday, but the substitute will have this outline, so it will be helpful for you to bring your copies and have done some preparation.

As always - call if you need anything.

Mrs. J

The RR starts us right off - Be Awake & Alert - and you need to be as you learn who you really are.
Section I
B1 & B2 - Are you agreeing with yourself as a child who is found created spiritual and perfect like in Genesis 1 - or are you living in the mist of material creation starting in Genesis 2:6?  It makes a difference.

Section II
B3 - Adam & Eve's kids - Cain & Abel.  What does each of them do for a living?  Does God like what they do?  What happens when one of the brothers gets jealous of the other brother?

What do you think it means that "Cain went out from the presence of the Lord"? - (hint-see SH10)

S7 - Did God create sin?

S8 - Can matter create anything?

S10 - Are you trying to understand God better?  Can you recognize God through matter?

Section 3
B4 - Are you a sleeping, sluggard?  How do you know you are or are not?  If you are, do you even want to wake up, or is life pretty nice in matter?  What will you wake up to, if you put off matter?

B7 - Read all of this - and then explain how to search in order to find God.

S12 - So, if we're experiencing pain and pleasure in matter, sin, sickness and death - are we awake or asleep?  Do dreams have any reality? (both waking and sleeping dreams)

How can you be alert to know whether you are sleeping/dreaming through life - or if you're awake to your spiritual freedom and reality?

Sec. IV
S16 - Can light and darkness ever exist together?  What does this tell you about light?  What does this tell you about handling ideas that are dark, material, limiting and false?

Sec. V
B14 - Story of Lazarus -
Was Jesus in a rush to get to Lazarus? Why or why not?
Did Jesus first acknowledge that Lazarus was dead prior to raising him from death? - why does it matter? (see S22)

S23 - According to this paragraph what is your privilege at this moment?  How can you fulfill that privilege?  Do you even want to?  If you don't, ask yourself what is stopping you.

S24 - What closed "the gates of paradise"? What do we need to use to open those gates?  Are you ready and willing to do this?  How will you doing this affect your life?

Sec VI
B20 - Have you ever felt "unsatisfied in your life?"  What have you learned in the lesson this week that allows you to be satisfied?  What likeness are you waking up to see?

S25 - What is the great gift that awaits you when you wake up to the "truth of being"?

S28 - Are you the likeness that is spoken of in this last verse of the lesson?










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