Monday, September 22, 2008

REALITY - September 22-27, 2008

Hi everyone,

I'm glad we cleared up the confusion about you all thinking you had to answer every single one of the questions I put on these weekly letters.  What I'd like is if each one of you would find one thing in the lesson that you had a question about, or if you had an "AHA" moment you could share.  It's always a much better class if you all come prepared to question and discuss things that are relevant to your life.

So this week lets try to see others (and ourselves) as God sees them (and us).  The entire lesson gives us ideas on how to do this and the good that comes when you actually do it.  This ability to see as God sees shows us REALITY!!!!  So the big question of the week is - What is your reality?

Throughout the lesson this week look for words that relate to "seeing" - words like behold, reveal, look, resemblance, appear, picture, etc.  There are a lot of them.

  • reckoning
  • manifestation
  • immutable
  • celestial
  • verity
  • renders
  • disposition
  • precipitate
  • transcendental
  • self-abnegation

Golden Text:  Look for the action words - Do you have some responsibility?

B2 - What does it mean to see God face to face?  Was this a normal occurence?

S3- What tries to be reality? What do you have to do to see what is real?

S4 - CS CLUE *** What are the "tests" you can give to determine if something is "real"?

I'll help.  Ask these questions about whatever it is:
  1. 1. Are you spiritual?
  2. 2. Are you harmonious?
  3. 3. Are you immutable? (vocab word)
  4. 4. Are you immortal
  5. 5. Are you divine?
  6. 6. Are you eternal?

B6 - In this story, what aspect of it do you recognize from another bible story?  What is the main point of this story.

S11 - Prophet's ability - where does it come from?  

B11 - Do you want to see God?  What does it take?  What does it mean to have a pure heart?

S14 - Man is perfect in proportion to what?

If you were in charge of determining whether a $100 bill was real or a counterfeit, what would you study in order to figure out what was the real one?  Would you study the counterfeit or the real $100 bill?

S16 - What are some false landmarks in your experience?

B12 - What is different between eyes seeing & God revealing?  In your experience can you think of ways in which your eyes have deceived you?  Once you realize you've been deceived how can you recognize what God is actually revealing?

B14 - What lesson is Jesus trying to teach the Pharisees and Sudducees?  Check S17 for the answer.  Explain the answer in your own words.  

S18 - Tell me which artist you relate to and why?  What material beliefs are you holding on to?

S20 - Is Christian Science healing the sign of the times?

B15 - Healing of the blind man - We all know this story pretty well - it is a wonderful example of not allowing the logic of the times you live in to determine the outcome of your life.  

Ask yourself - what am I blind to?  Am I blind to my own spiritual reality?  Am I blind to seeing the real identity of someone in my life?  Work on changing your view of that individual.

S23 - Do you see others the way Jesus would see them? 

S26 - What does this "Life Divine" that is entirely separate from matter look like?  How do we little humans experience that Life?

B18 - This revelation - the New Heaven and New Earth - means different things to different religions.  Most religions take it quite literally and are awaiting a physical new earth.  Does this make sense in REALITY?  Can you see the New Heaven and New Earth?  Do you want to?  

You've got lots to chew on this week.  Be ready to see those around you as God sees them.  - Let's share how we were able to do this, or what stopped us from really being able to do it.  

Have a great week - and as always, I am available by phone or e-mail.  

Mrs. J
(314) 239-9205

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