Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sunday September 14 - Subject: Substance

Hi Everyone - It was fun to meet all of you this past Sunday - and I look forward to being with you this year.  I was grateful to have you all thinking through the type of Sunday School class you each want to be a part of.  Let's remember to abide by our ground rules:

1. What happens in Sunday School stays in Sunday School.

2.  Respect others when they speak or share ideas.

3. Come to class prepared - having read or studied the lesson and having questions, concerns or comments to share.

4.  Bring your Books - we will work on marking them  - and we will use them throughout each class.

5.  No cell phones

6.  Mrs. Jenkins will ignore those who don't seem to be paying attention, But will always be ready to hear if they want to share something.

If you think of other things we need to add - let me know.

I will communicate each week through this e-mail/blog/web-site - so be prepared to read and respond to the e-mail.  You are welcome to write comments or questions you may have during the week on the blog - which will allow me time to find answers, etc.

My hope is that each of you will take the time to read and understand SOMETHING in the Bible and Science & Health each week.  As I said in class - if you only read one sentence over and over until you understand it - and it is the only thing you read all week - that's great - just be prepared to share with the class what it is that you "got" from reading it.

I have things I like to call "AHA" moments - so when you are reading the lesson and all the sudden you get what it's saying - make a note - "AHA-I get it" either on your quarterly or on a separate piece of paper.  These are great moments - each "AHA" is another step in our understanding of Christian Science and in our ability to heal.  

So here are some thoughts, suggestions, questions and comments from this week's lesson. (Be sure to look at the sidebar for vocabulary words - and be prepared to know what they mean)


We read the Golden Text from the Contemporary English Version of the bible - Below see how other translations (including King James) translated the same Text:

"Besides, God is able to make every blessing of yours overflow for you, so that in every situation you will always have all you need for any good work." - International Standard Version

"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you: that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:" - King James Version

"Besides, God will give you his constantly overflowing kindness.  Then, when you always have everything you need, you can do more and more good things." - GOD's WORD Translation

"God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done."  - The Message

Q: After reading the Golden Text and Responsive Reading - Is there a main message that comes to you as important in order for you to receive these abundant blessings?  What is your responsibility?

Look at Marker 3 in the Bible where it talks about treasures - then look at marker 1 in Science & Health. -  This is definitely one of the keys to "unlock the scriptures" - Think about the kind of things you "treasure"?  Are they spiritual things or material things?

SH2 - What are the "things" that belong to God?  How much of it belongs to God?  Is there anything left for you?  

SH3 - When you read this - do you realize that you have to make a choice - Is Spirit/God all - or is there matter?  

Q: What is substance?  Make a list of things that are cannot have discord or decay:  (Bring the list to class) 

B4:  WOW!  What a great question - What is your answer to this question?

B6: Fiery Furnace Story

Why did King Nebby (Nebuchadnezzar) see 4 men in the fire?  
Do you think that event changed Nebby's thinking in anyway?  If yes, How?

Have you ever been put in a situation where you had to stand up for your beliefs?  How did that work out?  

SH9:  Find the "when/then" statement - What do you have to do to get "the THEN"?

B8: Vessels of Oil story

Ask yourself - "What do I already have in my house"?  How am I using it?

SH11:  Do you want things that last or things that disappear?
Make a list of Spiritual things that are eternal

Make a list of material things that are temporary

What list really matters?

S13 - What is an example of a fading, finite form?
Look for the "When" statement.

B12: What does this statement suggest?  Is it the first welfare/robinhood type concept?  NO!  It was never about material things.

SH16: Another "When" Statement - What do you have to do to see the true likeness everywhere?

SH19:  What objects are you pursuing?  What are you winning?  You are winning something - so be prepared to share.

SH21&22: After reading the story of the man at the pool of Bethesda - contrast that with the two different states of thought presented in this example from Mrs. Eddy.  Medical/material thought - spiritual thought.  Can you see how we can apply this to our daily life?

SH23:  What allows you to demonstrate the rule of healing?

This entire lesson can be broken down into the simple concept of turning Things into thoughts - so if you don't do anything else this week - make a list of "things" in your life - it could be anything - your dog, your homework, your xbox, your phone, your football team - whatever - Try to come up with at least 10 "things" - now, turn each "thing" into a thought - into what it represents - write it next to "the thing" - Let's share our lists in class this next Sunday.

And Don't forget the last line in this week's lesson - is the first line in Science & Health.

"To Those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings."

Remember you have to be leaning on the sustaining infinite - not on matter to have a day filled with big blessings - so go out there and LEAN away!

Have a great week.


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