Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sunday September 7 - Subject: Man

Each week - I will relay some questions that came to me as I studied the lesson.  On the right hand column you will see vocabulary words that would be helpful to look up to understand more about the lesson.  Also on the right side are some links that you can use for further study.  Take advantage of the Websters 1828 Dictionary link - this is the Dictionary that Mrs. Eddy used while writing Science & Health.  In many cases the definitions have changed over the last 150 years - so it is worth learning what Mrs. Eddy was trying to convey when she used a specific word.

As you read below you will see a format I use which allows you to go right to the place where the question/comment occurred to me.  For example B5 - means Bible Marker #5 & SH12 - means Science & Health Marker 12. 

Something to think about while reading the Golden Text and Responsive Reading
  1. What does it take to be a witness?
  2. What are you witnessing?
  3. Faith - What kind of faith is needed for healing
SH5 - What was Mrs. Eddy trying to help us understand about "in proportion"?  What is enlarged?  How?

B5 - What in your life do you think is impossible?

SH6 - Why do you think Mrs. Eddy employs the word "when" over and over again in Science & Health?  How can understanding this help you grow in knowledge of Christian Science.

SH10 - There is a huge clue for how to heal in this marker - What is the clue?

B9 - What is a centurion?  Why are the centurion's actions so meaningful?  Why was the servant healed?

SH13 - There is that word "when" again - Look for these "When, Then" statements and see what you can do to advance your healing work.  What are the things you can do from this marker?

SH14 - Look for the action words in this marker.  This is pretty exciting stuff - no sitting around here, This is putting thought into action.  Let's work with these words.  List them (I found 4 - what can you find)

SH15 - What can Mind do? Why does it matter?  What do you have to do - what is your responsibility?

B13 -What was the first thing Jesus did with the loaves and fishes?  Why?  Do you believe this really happened?

SH16 - What is a latent ability?  What do you need to do to reveal these "latent" abilities?

SH19 - What tricks us about calm waters?  What does it say about encountering storms?  What does it mean?

SH22 - Pay attention when you see the words "IF" and "When"

What is chemicalization?

What are the signs of true spirituality?  When you see these signs what does it do for you?

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