Monday, September 15, 2008

Subject: Matter - for Sunday September 22, 2008

Hi Guys - Sorry to have missed you all this past Sunday - That was quite a rainstorm.  I look forward to seeing you all again this week.  Remember to bring your books and marking stuff - so we can work on that while we wait for Sunday School to start.

For this week's lesson there are some overall things I want you to look for as you read:
  • Pay attention to the book of the bible you are reading from (including if it is from the Old or New Testament)
  • Pay attention to the chapter in Science & Health you are reading from
  • Make a note of any landmarks (geography) that is noted in the lesson
  • Make a note of specific people that are mentioned or are speaking
  • Write down any words that you don't know the meaning of

I always keep a notebook with me when I read the lesson to jot down questions, words, ideas and thoughts that come to me - I would suggest you do the same, and then bring the notebook with you to class.

Now here are the words I want you to find definitions for - if you have others, bring them to class:
  1. diligent
  2. Supposition
  3. Manifestation
  4. mocked
  5. supersede
  6. precept
  7. delusion

O.K. - now for the lesson!  It's a good one (aren't they all?) 

In the Responsive reading do you know who the God of Jacob is?  If so, it must mean you know who Jacob is right?  Who is Jacob?  

There is a mention of "Zion" - look in S&H page 599 Mrs. Eddy's definition and then find out where Zion is physically (location) - Why does Mrs. Eddy's definition have significance?

Section I
B1 - What is in the book of Acts?  Did it come before or after Jesus was crucified?
Where is Paul when he is giving this sermon?  Why does it matter?
S1 - I hope you have all memorized the SSB (Scientific Statement of Being) - if not, lets work on it.

Section II
B2 - What kind of an individual was Jeremiah?  Why does it matter?  What is he trying to tell us about "the customs of the people?"  What does he want you to understand about the Adam-man and God's man?

S3 - What is a supposition?  Try re-writing this sentence in a simple way.

S5 - What do you have to understand to be able to reach a provable conclusion?

Section III
B7 - What would it mean to "mock" God?  Are there times in your life when you might have mocked God?  How can you avoid that behavior?  Bring examples.

B9 - Think about your life experience.  Are there times when you've felt some "enemy" has planted weeds in your life?  In this marker we see how Jesus suggested we respond to that kind of evil - what would be some practical ways to handle the supposed weeds that are placed into your life?

S12 - What in this marker can give you ideas on how to work to remove those supposed weeds?

Section IV
B11 - What are you setting your eyes on?  

S16 - What kind of unnecessary knowledge are you tempted to gain?  How does gaining that kind of knowledge help or hurt you?  

S18 - We read in this marker "to prevent the experience of error and its sufferings; keep out of the minds of your children either sinful or diseased thoughts." - So have your parents done things to help keep things out of your thoughts?  Now guess what it's your turn to take charge of this responsibility, your job this week is to take any thought you have and ask "is this spiritually based or materially based - then get rid of the material based thought by replacing the thought with its spiritual reality.  Does that sound too hard?  Let's talk about ways to do this on a very consistent basis.  Doing this will change your experience.  
* Remind me to tell you the clear mountain lake story *

Section V
B16 & B17 - Which man is the perfect man?  What does it mean to "mark" that man?  Which man are you marking?  - Which man/woman are you?

B20 - Have you ever "touched the hem"?  Do you know what it means to do so?  Share a story with us if you have one.

S21 - So if matter is not the likeness of God - can you see, touch, smell the likeness of God?  How then can you recognize God's man?  How can understanding this concept help you with thoughts and experiences in your daily life like:
  • I'm not good enough
  • I don't understand my school work
  • I feel alone
  • I feel left-out
  • I am not as good as so and so
  • I am not pretty enough
  • I am not athletic enough
  • etc., etc., etc.

S22 - What is the basis of thought & demonstration?

S24 - This is not a "when" statement, but it is the same idea.  It gives you an opportunity to see whether you are advancing spiritually.  So figure it out based on this marker - what are the clues to figure out whether you are "getting it"?

Section VI 
B22 - What an amazing promise.  Please read this and share ideas on how having this hope can advance our spiritual existence.  Then ask yourself?  "Do I have this hope?"  If yes, how are you experiencing it?  If no, do you want to? How can you get this hope?

S26 - The question of the week:

Are you living an "is" life or a "shall be" life?  It makes a difference!!

S28 - Big Clue in this one - What do you have to do to gain "the unspeakable peace"?  What does it look like in practice?  Does it take a lot of talking or a lot of real living?  

So much to share this week.  As always my questions are just a jumping off point - something to think about.  Please bring your own questions, concerns, stories and healings.  We can all learn from you already "get" - 

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

Please feel free to e-mail or call me with any questions.

Mrs. J

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